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Úvod - Historical monuments - Pardubice and surrounding - Castles and ruines - CASTLE KUNĚTICKÁ HORA



Negarantovaná informace

The natural dominant and symbol of the Pardubice region is the Castle Kunětická hora located 4 km north from Pardubice. The castle's tower is the highest point of the region. Early in its history it belonged to the Benedictine monastery in Opatovice nad Labem at the time of the monastery's prosperity. The looks of the castle had changed for many times under the influence of building designers. At the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries it was properly rebuilt and fortified by Vilém of Pernštejn and the castle became a big, highly bastioned Gothical mansion. The twentieth century has been marked by incessant efforts to preserve, repair and reconstruct the Kunětická hora Castle. A Present day appearance was made up by encroachment of Dušan Jurkovič during the years 1923-1928, and by the reconstruction of the castle which had been in progress till 1996. At present the Castle is in the care of the Pardubice Conservation Institute. The Kunětická hora Foundation, which was set up in 1994, also strives to halt the Castle's devastation and to restore it to life.

Address: Státní hrad Kunětická hora, 533 52 Staré Hradiště
Tel: +420 466 415 428

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